
Lindsay Larson’s research focuses on leading and working in teams in the digital age.

Dr. Larson is interested in the dynamics and functioning of the people in technologically advanced teams. She examines teams in unique and important contexts, from teams of astronauts, to teams of humans and intelligent technology teammates, to cross-disciplinary innovation teams.

Her current research examines how team processes and states – such as team cognition – evolve and develop as teams bring artificially intelligent agents onto their organizational teams as a teammates. She also examines the key factors to success in cross-functional innovation teams.


Note. Please reach out via ResearchGate, LinkedIn, or email if you are unable to access any of the below research via your library. 

Harris-Watson, A. M., Larson, L.E., Lauharatanahirun, N., DeChurch, L. A., & Contractor, N. S. (2023). Social perception in Human-AI teams: Warmth and competence predict receptivity to AI teammates. Computers in Human Behavior, 145, 107765. 

Schecter, A., Hohenstein, J., Larson, L.E., Harris, A., Hou, T., Lee, W., Lauharatanahirun, N., DeChurch, L., Contractor, N., & Jung, M. (2023). Vero: An accessible method for studying human-AI teamwork. Computers in Human Behavior, 141, 107606. Open acccess link: 

Larson, L.E., Harris-Watson, A.M., Carter, D.R., Asencio, R., DeChurch, L.A., Kanfer, R., & Zaccaro, S.J. (in press). Staying apart to work better together: Team structure and communication overload in cross-functional teams. Academy of Management Discoveries.

Niler, A., Mesmer-Magnus, J., Larson, L.E., Plummer, G., & DeChurch, L. (2021). Conditioning team cognition: A meta-analysis. Organizational Psychology Review, 11(2), 144-174.

Larson, L.E., & DeChurch, L.A. (2020). Leading teams in the digital age: Four perspectives on technology and what they mean for leading teams. The Leadership Quarterly, 31(1). doi: 10.1016/j.leaqua.2019.101377

Allen, J. A., Taylor, J., Murray, R. M., Kilcullen, M., Cushenbery, L., Gevers, J., Larson, L.E., ... & Park, S. (2019). Mitigating violence against first responder teams: Results and ideas from the Hackmanathon. Small Group Research, 51(3), 375-401. doi: 10.1177/1046496419876342

Larson, L.E., Wojcik, H., Gokhman, I., DeChurch, L., Bell, S., & Contractor, N. (2019). Team performance in space crews: Houston, we have a teamwork problem. Acta Astronautica, 161, 108-114.

Mesmer-Magnus, J., Niler, A. A., Plummer, G., Larson, L. E., & DeChurch, L. A. (2017). The cognitive underpinnings of effective teamwork: A continuation. Career Development International, 22(5), 507-519.

Featured Papers

Larson & DeChurch (2020) - Leading Teams in the Digital Age.pdf

Featured on: Rethinc Labs

Larson et al., 2022 Staying Apart to Work Better Together.pdf

Featured on AoM Insights:
